Since spending three years studying literature, theater and verse at University of Florida in the early 1970s, I’ve written verse, very slowly. My work has appeared in Painted Bride Quarterly, South Street Star, Christopher Street, Bay Windows, and QueerBook. Here are some of the pieces I’ve had published over the years.
- “Cannas,” in 3cents Magazine
- “Cargo in Quibble Lit
- “Constantine,” in The North Meridian Review
- “Cri de Cœur,” in Instant Noodles Literary Magazine(, “Pathos” issue
- “Cygnus,” in Feral
- “Day is Done,” in The Wild World
- “Deer Season,” in Hawk and Whippoorwill
- “Distance from the Storm,” in Friends Journal
- “Fairyland,” in The Adriatic, on p. 20
- “Forward from Today in RFD, on p. 58
- “Galileo’s Umbrella,” in Young Ravens Literary Review, p. 47
- “Hen and Mutt,” in Red Eft Review
- “If I Go First,” in TunaFish Journal
- “Names,” in Last Syllable Literary Journal
- “Propolis,” in Eunoia Review
- “Run,” in Gypsophila Zine
- “Sailing Past St. John,” in Third Wednesday
- “Special,” in Exterminating Angel Press Magazine
- “Stinger” in Green Ink Poetry
- “Summer Vow,” in Syncopation Literary Journal
- “Traveling Home,” in Red Eft Review
- “Vigil,” “Back Lines,” and Peeling,” in Defuncted